Wednesday 27 July 2011

Thursday 28th July (A Quiet Morning and a Lazy Afternoon)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window. The view was similar to yesterday except that Mr. Kite could not see any Swifts. Now this made Mr. Kite wonder if they had started to return to Africa. A few minutes later some Swifts did appear but not as many as usual.

Now Mr. Kite had thought about the question, "What is wrong with corvids?"

Mr. Kite's answer is that there is nothing wrong with corvids but with the people who are prejudice against them and persecutors of the humble, natural and sometimes brutal corvid. In his defence of the corvid Mr. Kite wrote a letter to the local paper that was published. Now Mr. Kite is waiting for the backlash.

After an easy day Mr. Kite did not deserve a beer so he had a Tetley tea. Cheers from a lazy Mr. Kite.

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