Sunday, 18 December 2011

Sunday 18th December (Nearly the Shortest Day)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into the grey cold sky. The distant hills were covered in snow. In the trees wood pigeons sat and looked around. Mr. Kite had a lazy morning watching sleet and rain fall onto the cold ground.

In the afternoon Mr. Kite went to the lagoon. The hedgerows on the lane leading to the lagoon had blackbirds, redwings, robins and wrens. Today the lagoon was desolate. Three mute swans fed and two mallards swam along courting. One moorhen popped out of the reeds for a short excursion.

The chilly breeze rippled the surface of the water making it look colder than it was. But not too cold for a colourful pair of goosander who dropped onto the water before hastily feeding under the surface. A grey heron flew in to feed near the reeds. Overhead flocks of redwing, stock doves and goldfinches flew around. But the cold wind was too much for Mr. Kite who then went home for a hot cup of Tetley tea. Cheers from a cold wintry Floreat Salopia.

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