Friday, 18 May 2012

Thursday 17th May (The Plain in Spain)

Mr. Kite looked out of The Joint window into a sunny sky. Today Mr. Kite and His Lady were leaving Caceres and going to Guadalupe.

So The Joint was packed and restocked with beer, wine and bread and set forth on the road. Turning off the main road mr. Kite headed towards Santa Marta de Magasca. Tinted blue rollers sat on the electicity pylons, red-legged partridge ran along the road and the sky was full of griffon vultures.

Passing Santa Marta the road was bumpy but this was the plains of Spain. Then a large bird passed in front of The Joint. This christmas sized turkey landed on the grass and wandered into a hollow. So Mr. Kite stop The Joint and set up The Superscope and scanned the area for an hour before giving up on the great bustard.. But plenty of white storks were watched as flock of spanish sparrows flew around.

Mr. Kite drove through Trujillo to Guadalupe passing over one ladder snake and watching a viperine in a stream.

Soon Mr. Kite was enjoying a Mahou Classica. Cheer to a great bustard

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