Sunday, 1 May 2011

Sunday 1st May (A Spotless Start)

Mr. Kite looked out of The Joint window into the tall trees. Soon a Starling appeared without any spots and a yellow bill.

Mr. Kite often stands on bridges and watches birds fly over a bridge, under a bridge and around a bridge because he likes to see the bird from below, above and from the side. Today Mr. Kite thought that being in Avignon he ought to stand on the bridge and watch birds. So he cycled to the Bridge of Avignon and could see it has yet to be completed as it only goes half way across the River Rhone; so it is not really a bridge; more of a jetty. At a price of five euros to walk on it Mr. Kite sat down besides le pont. Within seconds a group of five Swifts flew over le pont, under le pont and around le pont. As the song says, 'they go this way and then go that way'.

Now Mr. Kite will let you into a secret about bird-watching from a bridge. Mr. Kite's best experience was on the Roman Bridge at Merida in Spain. That what Mr. Kite calls a bridge worthy of bird-watching from. One afternoon Mr. Kite sat on this bridge all afternoon in the warm sun and spotted lots of species of birds in the air, on the river, in the reeds and in the marshy ground.

Mr. Kite returned to The Joint for a tipple of Perlenbacher Biere Prestige. Cheers from near the Bridge at Avignon.

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