Friday, 27 May 2011

Wednesday 25th May (Airport)

Mr. Kite looked out of The Joint window into a blue sunny sky and the houses of Rodez. The Incapacitants birding competition was heading towards a draw. With six needed for Mr. Kite to win The Incapacitants scoured the surrounding trees, bushes, house roofs and bird cages for a few more species. They cycled along the river and back down the other side spotting a warbler but did not have time to identify it before it flew into the bushes.

At midday they called it a draw and went to the airport. Mr. Kite and His Lady said their farewells to Mr. Kite's 'birding companion' before packing him off on a Ryanair jet. He flew away and Mr. Kite and His Lady drove to Chaudes-Aigues and camped on a hillside.

Birds sang, raptors flew and the heat made Mr. Kite very, very thirsty. So he had a few tipples of Pelforth Blonde. Cheers from Mr. Kite.

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