Monday, 11 July 2011

Tuesday 12th July (More Work and Less Bird-watching)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into a grey sky where there was no sign of the sun. The leaves on the Lime trees were still and they showed their age as they darkened every day and some fell off. Time was passing quickly this summer. But once again today Mr. Kite had work to do rather than cycle and bird-watch.

Now some bird-watchers have lists for the species they spot. These can be in the garden, a garden list; so Mr. Kite decided to have a list called, varnishing the kitchen sink list. So Mr. Kite kept one eye on the brush as he varnished the wooden structure and one eye on the bird life. The list was there; Wood Pigeon, Blackbird and Swift.

So to end the day Mr. Kite had a tipple of Tetley tea as he watched a Lesser Black-backed Gull flew slowly across the sky. Cheers from a working man; not the usual bird-watcher.

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