Friday, 1 July 2011

Tuesday 5th July (How to Catch a Yellow Parakeet)

Mr. Kite looked out of The Residence window to see two of everything. Now this was not a mirage or mirror image just the result of drinking too much cider, beer and red wine the previous day. Mr. Kite was very fortunate because it make Hampstead look twice as nice.

This was Mr. Kite's last chance to find a House Sparrow. So full of hope he walked around Hampstead peering into trees, bushes and onto expensive house roofs. Eventually he ended up at Swiss Cottage by a water feature. The sun had encouraged lots of young ladies to bring their children to the watery space. Mr. Kite enjoyed the scenery very much as he searched for a House Sparrow. In the water a Wood Pigeon bathed amongst a group of little children.

Mr. Kite then walked a little way along a path and there in a tree was a Yellow Parakeet. Now that was a great surprise to Mr. Kite. But this fine yellow specimen with a red beak was in full view on the end of a branch. This parakeet attracted quite a bit of attention and people left their work desks to come and view this large budgie. Mr. Kite decided that this must be an escapee and would not be added to his year list. Soon a Camden Council worker appeared and was intent on catching the bird.

So Mr. Kite will describe a method used to capture an escapee parakeet. Put on a high vis Camden Council jacket and put two orange slices on a white plate and place the food under the tree the Yellow Parakeet is perched in. Stand near the plate holding a blue towel. When the parakeet lands on the plate to eat the orange slices throw the blue towel over it. Then wrap the bird in the towel.

The Yellow Parakeet was soon captured and put in the council aviary. After such excitement Mr. Kite went back to Hampstead and caught Uncle Gus back to sunny Salopia. Soon Mr. Kite was enjoying a tipple of Leffe Brun. Cheers from Salop where I bet a Yellow Parakeet is not perched in a tree.

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