Saturday, 19 November 2011

Saturday 19th November (The Big Apple)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into a clear blue sky with some thin layers of white cloud. Autumn was turning into winter and the lime trees were nearly bare. The road was quiet and the fallen leaves jeweled the ground with brown, golden and yellow shapes. Birds were scarce; in fact Mr. Kite stood looking for a minute and did not see any. 

After repairing The Beast Mr. Kite cycled to Polemere as the sunshine turned to mist. Once again Polemere's water level was low allowing the mallards, greylag geese and lesser-black back gulls a chance to paddle in the shallows. Pied wagtails, carrion crows, wood pigeons and teal fed around the muddy edges. Two buzzards rested in an adjacent field now that the sun had disappeared and the lack of thermals made flying more difficult.

Now it was an uneventful trip back to The Residence until Mr. Kite reached The Big Apple. This Big Apple did not have The Empire State Building or The Statue of Liberty. No, this Big Apple had a core, seeds and flesh and was lying in the road. Mr. Kite was looking around for birds and he ran into The Big  Apple trapping it in front of the wheel until the wheel pierced The Big Apple and then the apple disintegrated causing a slippery surface and Mr. Kite fell off The Beast. Now Mr. Kite lying in the road is not a pretty sight so he picked himself up and went home.

After some minor repairs to his body Mr. Kite had a tipple of Abbot Ale Greene King. Cheers.

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