Sunday 13th November (Wales, Wind and Cader Idris)
Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into dark sky. The orange light from the street lamps turned the very few lime tree leaves golden. Outside it was silent.
At seven o'clock The Incapacitants were heading, by car, to North Wales to watch birds and walk up Cader Idris. Now Sunday morning is always a special day in Floreat Salopia for birds because the drunken Saturday night revelers leave chips, pizzas and curry on the pavements or sometimes the road. Today in Abbey Foregate the black-headed gulls were having a chip fest with curry sauce. The thin chips from the Greek chippies are not as good as the fat chunky chips from Monkmoor Road but they very good and provide plenty of squabbling opportunity for the 'gannet like gulls'.
To cut a long story short the birding competition was a draw. In the strong mountainous winds the birds kept their heads down. One unfortunate walker was blown over a cliff and went home in a box; courtesy of a yellow helicopter. A great day was had fighting the gale force wind and looking out over some great views; and The Incapacitants lived to bird another day. Mr. Kite can report that the roads near Welshpool are infested with non-native pheasants scurrying around causing accidents to motorists and themselves.
Mr. Kite returned home for a tipple of Shepherd Neame Late Red Autumn Hop Ale.
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