Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sunday 11th March (A Trip on a Spring Day)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into a grey sky. The buds on the lime trees were well formed.


On a windless day Mr. Kite cycled towards Polemere. Corvids noisily fed in the fields. A sparrowhawk flew slowly near a hedgerow before diving and hedge hopping. Polemere had its usual residents; mallards, wigeon, teal, coot, moorhen, pied wagtail and a shelduck. A stock dove sat in a tree.

Venus Pool

The highlight of the day was in the field at Venus Pool where a pair of grey partridge walked around the bare field. This is the first time Mr. Kite has watched grey partridge at V.P. was many years. Thirty stock doves, about sixty linnets and corvids fed in the same field.


Lastly Mr. Kite dropped in at Monkmoor Lagoon to see canadian geese, mallards and a cormorant. In the trees a large group of long tail tits fed. After a good day out Mr. Kite enjoyed a tipple of Becks. Cheers.

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