Tuesday 13th March (Spring Progresses and a Summer Visitor)
Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into a cloudy sky. Spring was creeping along and a robin sang from a low bush. So Mr. Kite arranged a bird-watching trip today with his birding companion.
Around the Town
At eleven o'clock The Incapacitants were spotting birds and looking at the sky for signs of a break in the cloud. All the usual birds were on view and plenty of them. The Rea Brook did not produce anything of note.
The Trip to Lodge Hill
Cycling through Bayston Hill and Condover skylarks and corvids were airborne. Chaffinch, gold finch and greenfinch were in the hedges and trees. A walk around a field produced a large flock of birds that were mainly chaffinch but amongst them there were possibly brambling and a stonechat but because they were flittish it was difficult to make a positive identification.
Lodge Hill
Lodge Hill was calm and cloudy today but not quiet. Overhead ravens croaked throughout the walk. In the tall pine trees more bird calls could be heard. Blue tits, great tits and coal tits were common. A greater-spotted woodpecker made an appearance and noisily drummed on a bare tree. Sitting on the top by the trig point three common crossbills could be seen feeding on the cones of a pine. In the dull light their pink/red colours were not as illuminating but good views were had as they broke open cones spilling bits on the ground.
On the way down The Incapacitants stopped to watch a group of goldcrests flitting around very close where the yellow stripe on their heads could be clearly seen. With a number of blue tits close by it was interesting to compare the sleaker goldcrests with the more stocky blue tits; and the finer bills on the goldcrests.
Lastly another sign of spring sat in a low bare tree. Bigger than the goldcrest, smaller and slimmer than the blue tit this bird was a joy to see. This little bird generally is onomatopoeic with a 'chiff chaff'. Today this chiffchaff was silent; possibly exhausted following a long flight across Southern Europe.
So The Incapacitants had a good day watching birds and seeing more signs of the gradually process of spring. On a good day the competition was a draw. mr. Kite cycled home and enjoyed a tipple of Tetley tea. Cheers.
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