Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tuesday 15th March (Mr. Kite has a Flutter over Eight Flights)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window onto a dark cloudy morning. The trees were just dark twig silhouettes and only the odd Wood Pigeon stirred in the still morning air. It was pre dawn and only the 'early birds' were passing Mr. Kite's home. Returning from a Wi Fi free weekend Mr. Kite had some correspondence to put into order; and a walk into town to a bank to sort out the finances.

At mid morning Mr. Kites bird-watching day began. Walking towards Shrewsbury town centre he noticed Goosander on the river and the usual Feral Pigeons over the buildings. On his way home Mr. Kite walked over the Castle Walk where he stopped to watch a Song Thrush. For a change this Song Thrush was not singing but feeding on a patch of bare earth close to the path. So good were the pickings that Mr. Kite stood close to this bird as it sprinted around the patch of earth plucking small pink earthworms from their holes. Within twenty seconds the fortunate Song Thrush had pulled, stretched and swallowed seven unlucky creatures. Mr. Kite was impressed by the speed at which the Thrush could locate and eat worms. This was the exception to the proverb where, 'the early bird catches the worm'.

Now today was the start of the Cheltenham Festival and Centenary Day so Mr. Kite was in festive mood and decided to have a flutter on the first race; the one thirty novice hurdle. Being a bird-watcher Mr. Kite spotted a Marsh Warbler in the runners and riders list. Marsh Warblers are scarce in Salop but a four legged one on television is a gem. So Mr. Kite went into a local pub to watch his flutter perform over eight flights and two and a half miles. Being a Salop lover Mr. Kite ordered a pint of Ludlow Best produced by the Ludlow Brewing Co. and settled down on a stool to watch the Marsh Warbler.

The race began and the Marsh Warbler was near the front of the field easily recognisable by small white spot on it's head. The jockey was in white with a dark hat. Luckily the Marsh Warbler was near the rail and closest to the cameras. For the first five flights the Marsh Warbler was in contention and Mr. Kite was pleased with his two pounds investment; but towards the end of the race the Marsh Warbler dropped down the field to finish eleventh.

That was Mr. Kites only flutter for the day but he enjoyed the excitement of the chase and then settled down with a tipple of Mad Goose brewed by Purity Brewery. Cheers from a fluttering Mr. Kite.

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