Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tuesday 29th March  (A Snapshot of Venus)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into the Lime trees opposite to see the beginnings of fruit and flowers growing on the end of some twigs. Not one bird sat in the bare trees; but they will soon.

This morning Mr. Kite went to a Special Grave to cut the grass, place flowers and remember twenty-four years of happy memories and laughter with The Star. Today a Blue Tit sang from a low tree and looked down on Mr. Kite and His Lady.

Now Mr. Kite returned home to repair The Beast and upgrade it to a Trek-Shimano. After some adjustments, a spot of oil and a quick test it was all systems go.

Mr. Kite decided to go for a ride to Venus Pool as the odd spot of rain fell from the grey skies. As Mr. Kite cycled along he could smell ‘wet roads’ as the dry dust, powder and organic materials were hydrated with the gentle rain water.

Eventually Mr. Kite reached Venus Pool and went inside the hide. If Mr. Kite had a camera he could have taken a picture and placed it in his blog to show you what he saw. But Mr. Kite describe a snapshot of what he saw when he opened the door and looked through an open window.

Sitting on a bench were two birders-watchers. On the pool twelve amorous male Tufted Duck were following a female ‘tufty’. A group of about thirty Black-headed Gulls coarsely squawked; some sat in the water and other flew close by. Two pairs of Shovelers swam in circles while two Coots protected their territory be running across the water towards two others. 

On the islands sat the quiet, peaceful resting Mallards, Canada Geese and Gadwall. Just above the water and islands, in the lower air space,  Lapwings performing violent aerial manoeuvres  as they flew fast and low before pulling a stall turn followed by a roll as they dived towards the earth and returning to a fast straight low level flight. Above the Lapwings the sky was peppered with Sand Martins gently hanging in the air and gliding forward with wings and tail outstretched.

Now Mr. Kite describes this scene because a picture would not describe the busy area, the noise, the movement of the birds and their behaviour.

After the excitement of the performance Mr. Kite returned home for a tipple of Tetley tea. Cha. 

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