Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Tuesday 1st March (Flowers)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window and watched people walking along the path. Most were lucky school children on their way to another exciting day in the classroom tormenting some unfortunate teacher. After breakfast Mr. Kite stood in his garden and watched two Ravens flying north in the clear blue sky. On this pleasant, almost windless, morning these two large black birds flew slowly in a straight line. Today was Saint David's day so the Raven has to take on the Welsh name, 'Cigfran', 'meat, or, butcher crow'. Cigfran have been spotted at twenty one thousand feet but this pair were about two thousand feet up and enjoying their casual flight. The distinctive black silhouettes moved silently across the sky.

Now today Mr. Kite and His Lady went to Morville to place flowers on a special grave. The avenue leading to the church was lined with white Snowdrops and yellow Crocuses; the Daffodils were not going to make an appearance for Saint David but they will brighten up the avenue in a few days time. As they walked towards the church the sun's warmth could be felt.

The special grave is slightly raised in a gentle curved mound. Ivy, Mistletoe and other greenery lie on the grass. At the head of the grave is a clump of Snowdrops and at the foot is a small tub of dainty small yellow Daffodils. Mr. Kite removed the greenery from the grave and cut the grass. Today Mr. Kite and His Lady were returning a shell, coral and other decorations that were removed prior to the next grave being dug. All these decoration have a special meaning to the Star that rests below them. Fresh flowers and greenery were placed on this special grave and once again it looks loved and cared for. The next grave still has the flowers that were put there two weeks ago after the funeral.

Whenever Mr. Kite visits the special  grave he looks at the birds around. Today Common Buzzards soared over the fields. Mr. Kite then returned home and enjoyed a tipple of Tetley tea. Cheers from a thoughtful Mr. Kite.  

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