Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Friday 1st July (Another Day, Another Month)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window to see blue sky. He looked around for signs of bird life but could only hear the 'eternal Wood Pigeon cooing'. With spring well and truly gone and Mr. Kite back home 'all is quiet on the bird front'. So Mr. Kite has a few repairs to do on The Dwelling but will find time to watch birds and ride The Beast.

First things first; a gentle ride back on the roads of Shropshire. So Mr. Kite idly cycled along the River Severn in the summer sunshine. Today Mallards and Mute Swans were the only birds to show themselves. Mr. Kite then returned to The Dwelling and sat in the garden watching a pair of Blackbirds with a young family of two. Now this was a stressful and anxious day for these parents. The chicks had hatched and were now flying and being fed by their dedicated parents. The problem was that The Chicks presented an irresistable meal to the local cats. The parents warning 'cluck' and The Chicks 'shrieks' for attention were attracting Tiddles, Cuddles and Louis. Now their names suggest fluffy creatures that are well fed and enjoy the affection of their owner and that is perfectly true but they still have 'the killer instinct'.

Tiddles, Cuddles and Louis kept low, crouching their way to hidden places underneath shrubs and watched intently as the family of Blackbirds fed. Fortunately the parents kept an eye on their precious off-spring and encouraged them into the trees when danger threatened. After a few close shaves the family of Blackbirds moved on to face more dangers from the Carrion Crows and other family 'pet moggies'.

After a stressful time watching the young family Mr. Kite had a tipple of Kronenbourg. Cheers to the family of Blackbirds and for a healthy long future.

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