Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Monday 13th June (Still Air)

Mr. Kite looked out of The Joint window onto a still and calm lake. House Sparrows chirped and a Carrion  Crow cawed and the early bather were putting down their towels.

Now Mr Kite and His Lady travelled many miles that day to Geraudot in the Parc naturel regional de la Foret d'Orient. This being a holiday the park was very busy in the warm sunshine. Mr. Kite and His Lady sat down by the Lac d'Orient before moving onto Camping de l'Epine aux Moines.

A few minutes later the sky turned cloudy and the heavens opened for fifteen minutes to fill up the lake and wash down the roads. Soon after the sun appeared and Mr. Kite took The Beast to the local observatoire. Mr. Kite is always excited to find a new hide and look at the surrounding area.

This hide was about five metres above the ground and reached up a long stairway. A platform about ten metres wide and six metres long looked out over the grassy edge of the lake and the Lac d'Orient. Now Mr. Kite expected to see hundred of birds of many different species but he spotted Heron cendre and Grebes huppes.

Soon afterwards Mr. Kite was enjoying a tipple of Hoegaarden Wit-Blanche. Cheers.

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