Thursday 9th June (Not so much Gloom)
Mr. Kite looked out of The Joint window to see a grey sky and no rain. A Cuckoo sang in a tree. Today Mr Kite was going for a bike ride to watch birds.
At eleven o'clock Mr. Kite pedaled through Parcey and headed for Rahon. Twenty minutes later Mr. Kite whizzed by three French cyclists, dressed in Tour de France colours, and sped towards Route Barree Inondation. Now today Mr. Kite was going to enjoy his time bird-watching so he slowly cycled towards Molay. Yellowhammers, Skylarks, Rooks and Common Buzzards were spotted. Mr. Kite rode slowly listening and watching. Most birds were firmly stuck in the middle of thick shrubbery and not visible only audible.
After four kilometres Mr. Kite reached the wall on the Pont de Molay and parked The Beast. In the river Night Herons, Little Egrets, Mute Swans and a Common Tern were visible. Sitting on the Pont de Molay Mr. Kite watched Grey Heron and Cormorants fishing in the fast flowing river.
Mr. Kite looked over bushes for an hour and did not see one bird perched amongst them; although they were there singing. So Mr. Kite cycled the one hundred metres to the old railway bridge and behaved like a schoolboy. He climbed the gantry's, walked over the parapets and rode on the maintenance train slung below the bridge.
Before falling into the river or breaking his neck Mr. Kite returned to the activities of a bird-watcher and sat on a barrier and watched birds in the shrubbery. To cut a long story short many birds were heard and a few seen. But one little warbler with a yellow breast did stop on view for a long time; a Melodious Warbler. Now Mr. Kite listened and watched and observed this confident little bird fly from bush to bush.
At the end of the afternoon Mr. Kite returned to The Joint for a tipple of Kronenbourg and enjoy an evening of sunshine, beer and young girls in bikinis. Cheers from a bird-watcher; feathered and others.
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