Monday, 12 September 2011

Monday 12th September (The Wind Blows and the Wedding List Grows)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window to see the lime trees on the verge of becoming airborne. All the branches and leaves were on the left-hand side in a horizontal line with the occasional stream of brown leaves flying off. Today was not the day for flying birds.

During the morning Mr. Kite had a stroll to the recycling On the Bridge over the Rea Brook. In the blustery wind few birds dared to venture so the sky was empty. By the recycling Mr. Kite noticed a wood pigeon perched in a small elder tree picking at elderberries. Now this was not a serene sight because the wood pigeon was moving on a branch as if on a roller-coaster. The bird was moving violently up, down and to the side as if on a bronco, and at the same time trying to eat berries. Mr. Kite watched this bird for a few minutes and was impressed by its tenacity and ability to cling to the moving branch.

Today Mr. Kite was going to make a wedding list. Instantly you might think saucepans, towels and plasma t.v.'s but not today because Mr. Kite is already married with loads of possessions. No this is a wedding list of species of birds spotted walking to and from a wedding. The list was very; just wood pigeon. However Mr. Kite did find time to give away a bride to the groom and returned home for a celebration of curry and beer with speeches and music to entertain the guests.

Late in the evening Mr. Kite, having drunk an immense amount of Becks, fell asleep. Cheers to the bride, groom and guests.

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