Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Saturday 1st October (A New Month and a Procession of Gulls)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into a bright sunny morning. Soon Mr. Kite and His Lady were perched on top of a cliff in The Wirral Country Park. Mr. Kite looked out of the expanse of water as it grew in size as the tide rose. Flocks of common redshanks flew to the southern end of the estuary to sit on the grass and feed in the muddy ravines that were filling with water. Shelducks flew around in flocks and out of sight.

But most interestingly the gulls just sat on the water and were carried at about five miles per hour past Mr. Kite. This was a procession of gulls sitting in a line and floating past like a carnival. With their heads pointing in the direction of travel Mr. Kite had plenty of time to observe the features of black-headed, common, herring, lesser black-backs and greater black-backs. Sitting still on the water Mr. Kite had the opportunity to study the bills, the shape, the plumage and the different markings of older gulls, younger gulls and difficult to identify gulls. Soon Mr. Kite was picking out the species of gulls easily.

Then it was time to study the gulls that glided past looking at the underside plumage and topside plumage and wing patterns. On this fine sunny day surrounded by Liver Birds Mr. Kite had a fabulous day identifying birds.

After a great day mr. Kite settled down for a tipple of Shepherd Neame Late Red. Cheers.

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