Monday, 16 January 2012

Monday 16th January (Winter Continues)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into a clear sky. Jack Frost had left a trail of white crystals on the trees in the road. Four wood pigeons fluttered around in a bare lime tree and a black-headed gull circled overhead. Winter was now in its fourth day and forecast to finish soon with more mild weather by Thursday. So Mr. Kite would try to make the most of this 'cold snap'.

Hunt the Garganey

Just before midday Mr. Kite saddled The Beast and took The Superscope to find the garganey on the Trout Pool. Cycling on the shortest route Mr. Kite followed the main road spotting redwing, fieldfare, blackbirds and the usual. The sun was bright, the berries red and black, plum and apples still on the trees and a pair of hares running around a grassy field.

Mr. Kite set up The Superscope overlooking the Trout Pool and scanned the water to identify the birds. Tufties, coots, mallards, dabchicks, shoveler and great-crested grebe. Then the waters edge; teal, wigeon and a grey heron, No garganey was spotted but with birds leaving, and others arriving, Mr. Kite searched for an hour. Some birds kept their head down so it was not easy.

A flock of swans flew over so Mr. Kite focused on these looking for an 'whooper' but these were 'mute'. In the winter sunshine it was a good day watching ducks, geese and swan in colourful winter plumage. With the sun sinking and Jack Frost making his presence known in the shade it was time to return to The Residence for a tipple of Tetley tea. Cheers from a cold Floreat Salopia with a female garganey still hiding.

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