Monday, 23 January 2012

Monday 23rd January (A Mild Winters Day)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into a bright sky. This was the start of another mild winters day. Following a lazy morning Mr. Kite saddled The Beast and cycled towards Polemere. At intervals the sun shone and at other times spots of rain landed on Mr. Kite.


On the pool a colourful company of wigeons swam along a sute of mallards watched by a spring of teal. On the shore sat one lonely male shoveler slept near a desert of lapwings. Then the lapwings lifted off into the sky with silent black and white wings flapping. They flew high in a circling motion before dropping down back to the pool. This stirred the wigeon who then swam to the muddy shoreline and started to feed.

In an adjacent field a flock of greylag geese ate swedes sociably with a flock of sheep. So today Polemere was a busy place.

Back from Polemere.

Mr. Kite then cycled to Condover scanning the fields and hedges. Bullfinches, chaffinches, blue tits, great tits, dunnocks, robins and wrens made an appearance. In a field at Boreton a herd of swans were feeding in the grass. Looking carefully Mr. Kite noticed one whooper swan with the mute swans. This whooper had 'one super yellow bill'.

Soon Mr. Kite was back at The Residence enjoying a tipple of Tetley tea. Cheers.

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