Sunday, 29 January 2012

Sunday 29th January (A Little Bit of Winter)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window into a grey cloudy sky. Jack Frost had left a hint of winter with a slight tinge of white on the grass. Later in the morning Mr. Kite watched a jay feed in his garden. Now jays are not very common in Mr. Kite's garden so that was very pleasing.

On this still winters day Mr. Kite went for a ride around the lanes of Floreat Salopia looking at all the usual birds. Eventually Mr. Kite reached Polemere where plenty of mallards, teal and wigeon could be seen. Looking around Mr. Kite noticed a flock of birds take to the air from an adjacent field. The flock then split into two with one section flying higher. The lower group then came and landed in the shallow water at Polemere; these were lapwings. The higher group then came to the water and these were golden plover. Today in the fading light they were not as golden but motley brown.

With the light fading and still feeling under the weather Mr. Kite returned home for a tipple of Tetley tea. Cheers.

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