Friday, 24 February 2012

Friday 24th February (More Enthusiasm and More Birds)

Mr. Kite looked out of The Joint window in the early morning and listened to a tawny owl. Geese honked at they flew over and robins sang to mark their territory.


At ten Mr. Kite set off on The Beast for Snettisham and The Wash. Chaffinch, common pheasants and fieldfares were spotted on the way. Then a few punctures held up the trip as repairs had to be made. Stopping by the road Mr. Kite watched a moorhen in the nearby ditch.

Eventually Mr. Kite reached Snettisham where builders, diggers and concrete mixers added to the atmoshere of this fabulour place. With a nippy wind blowing Mr. Kite set up The Superscope to watch shelduck feeding, egyptian geese, buzzards and mallards. Looking further out a large flock of dunlin flew and fed. Curlews, ringed plover, herring gulls, northern pintails, common redshank and grey plovers plodded along on the mud.

Now Mr. Kite was feeling chilly but he was pretty sure that a flock of snow buntings passed by in a white bobbing flight. With the clouds building and the wind increasing Mr. Kite headed inland to see house sparrows, starling and collared doves. Returning to The Joint Mr. Kite had a tipple of Tetley tea. Cheers to all those waders in The Wash.

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