Sunday, 19 February 2012

Sunday 19th February(A Blue London Sky)

Mr. Kite looked out of The London Residence window into a blue London sky. Looking into the road a feral pigeon was feeding where the flower stand sell their plants during the day.

Today Mr. Kite walked to Hampstead Heath to spot birds and enjoy the area and fresh air. Reaching Kenwood House Mr. Kite sat in the sunshine before walking to the small lake that it overlooks. Black-headed gulls sat on the water waiting for the tourists to feed them. An egyptian goose aggresively patroled its teritory. The plumage on this bird was neat and patterned with delicate lines of colour with a large green shape towards it rear. Coots and moorhens came to look at Mr. Kite. The coot's feet were similar to thin green leaves that spread out in the water to make paddles.

Just in front of Mr. Kite, in the shallow clear water, three tufted ducks fed under the water. The two males had greenish purply heads in the sunshine. Diving under the water Mr. Kite watched them as they sped under the water like fish chasing prey. Paddling their legs to gain momentum and change direction they fed on morsels near some weeds.

Robins, jackdaws, carrion crow, wood pigeons, great tits, blue tits and canadian geese were also spotted. Mr. Kite was also here to find a non-native bird in the trees that is common. In the trees woddpeckers could be heard drumming and a colourful jay fed with the magpies on the ground. Mr. kite then heard an unfamiliar short call and looked up to see a bird with a long tail fly quickly overhead and dive out of sight. That view was not good enough so Mr. Kite searched to trees and eventually cam across a small group of parrot sized green birds with reddidh becks. Mr. Kite then watched rose-ringed parakeets or ring-necked parakeets as others call them.

Occasionally they would fly between the trees; a green shape with a long flowing tail. All very pretty but not English. Following a good day of walking and bird-watching Mr. Kite settled in The Flask for a few tipples of London beer. Cheers.

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