Saturday 25th February (Waders in the Wash)
Mr. Kite looked out of The Joint window into a clear blue sky and a white ground. An hour earlier tawny owl's had called to each other from the neighbouring woods. Today Mr. Kite was going to watch some birds in The Wash.
The first place Mr. Kite and His Lady visited was Hunstanton. parking east of the town centre Mr. Kite setup The Superscope overlooking the water. Around him fulmars with straight wings and stubby heads glided along the top of the cliff. Out at sea a flock of brent geese flew quickly along. In the clear light a white strip on their necks could clearly be seen against their black bodies. Other flock of birds moved over the sea but could not be identified but they made super patterns as they crossed the horizon. Black-headed gulls called noisily from the tops of lamp-posts and a pair of dunnocks flirted in the bushes on top of the cliff. On the shore a group of common gulls sat in the cool breeze.
Mr. Kite then headed to Heacham. On the sea-shore thousands of birds waded, walked and wandered. Oystercatchers fed on crustaceans and a single sanderling with a shiny white body and black legs ran in pools of water to feed. A group of knots fed in the pools also. Grey in colour and with greenish yellow legs they moved around in a small area picking food from the sand. Further out black-tailed godwits used their long bills to fed further into the sand and by a break-water three turnstones did just that.
Today The Wash was a busy place with thousands of birds on show.
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