Monday, 10 October 2011

Monday 10th October (Not a Wrenning Day and an Empty Box)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window. The leaves on the lime trees formed horizontal lines in the brisk wind.

In the morning Mr. Kite played wordsmiths and tried to do a crossword. Now in doing some research Mr. Kite learned about St. Stephen's Day on 26th December and how some country people called it Wrenning Day. On this day the local peasants would hunt and stone a wren to death.

Mr. Kite is against stoning a wren or stoning a crow; in fact Mr. Kite is against stoning any bird. This afternoon Mr. Kite watched small flocks of starlings hoping to see a murmaration; a great aerobatic shimmering cloud.

Late in the afternoon whilst looking for a murmaration Mr. Kite posted The Empty Box; the common buzzard was too far gone for the pathologist.

The murmaration did not materialise so Mr. Kite had a tipple of Tetley tea. Cheers to wrens and starlings.

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