Thursday 6th October (Words are all I Have)
Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window to see the dark leaves on the lime tree clinging on to the branches for dear life. With such a morning welcome Mr. Kite sat in the chair, read some articles and tried a crossword. Sitting around Mr. Kite is growing old learning something new every day and today he learned another name for the meadow pipit; the 'tietick'.
Mr. Kite also learned about The Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme because having located a deceased common buzzard, on land used by game shooters, Mr. Kite is suspicious and has arranged for them to send a coffin so that the bundle of feathers can be 'post mortemed'.
Mr. Kite also learned about a 'Giddy Goose'. Now this is not a disorientated greylag or egyptian but a beer produced by the Hook Norton. Just mentioning beer has made Mr. Kite very thirsty so he is now off for a tipple of Marstons Old Empire. Cheers from a man of words and a smell of alcohol.
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