Saturday, 15 October 2011

Saturday 15th October (The Gondola)

Mr. Kite looked out of The Joint window into the tall trees of the park. The dark morning sky was just beginning to brighten and the little owl and tawny owl had just stopped calling for the night.

Mr. Kite has a little trip around the park and purchased a newspaper. Inside it mentioned the Transporter Bridge and the gondola that Mr. Kite had enjoyed the previous two days; what a coincidence. The day was quiet although the black-headed gulls squabbled on the local pool.

Now today Mr. Kite had a quiet day reading, writing and watching a few birds in the park. Just before dusk the chattering of jackdaws appeared and made a fantastic fanfare at the end of the day as they flew between roosts.

After such a fabulous end to the day Mr. Kite had a tipple of Shepherd Neame Spitfire to celebrate the fliers that brighten the sky and make you look up. Cheers.

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