Thursday, 13 October 2011

Wednesday 12th October (A Cardiff Corvid Passage)

Mr. Kite looked out of his bedroom window to see some sunshine in the blue sky with a few small clouds. The Joint was packed and Mr. Kite and His Lady drove through Ludlow, Leominster, Hereford and somewhere else before arriving at Tredegar House Country Park.

The warm sun shone and soon Mr. Kite was cycling around The Park watching coots, moorhen and gulls. Lots of grey squirrels raced across the grass and into the trees. To cut along story short Mr. Kite had an enjoyable afternoon cycling around the wet areas of Newport. Mr. Kite did meet two cranes on his travel. This were not unusual cranes but Mr. and Mrs Crane who looked after caravans.

Now Mr. Kite arrived back at The Joint and sat outside watching the sun disappear behinds the trees. Then Mr. Kite heard a noise like rain with the occasional cackle. Looking up Mr. Kite saw a jackdaw version of 'a murmaration of starlings'. Thousands of black jackdaws flew across the sky with thousands of cackles cackling. A noisy black spotted shape flew to one roost then back to the first before returning to the second.

When this stopped Mr. Kite then sat in The Joint before the whole noisy display would start again. To make the experience more exciting Mr. Kite opened a bottle of Shepherd Neame 1698 Kentish Strong Ale. Cheers to the Cardiff Corvid passage.

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